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How to clamp plate heat exchanger after disassembly and maintenance?

Views: Date:2018-06-19

Plate heat exchanger after overhaul need to clamp plate as required, in order to further improve the heat transfer ability will be required to have board for a little while. Should fully consider the fixed clamp platen of the activity and deformation intensity, the same level of experimental stress, increase in the number of plate of prestressing force of bolt at the same time also need to increase, when the clamp on both sides of the elastic deformation beyond the scope of the license, the seals of radial sliding plane compression, form the dislocation, at this point, the seal failure, two medium leakage or internal fluid, can't normal use.

Heat exchangers that have not been put into use for a long time usually need to properly relax the tension of the screw, the plate and sealing pad lose the necessary flexibility after long-term compression, the seal is easy to fail, and the service life is reduced. The pressure bolts of the heat exchanger are uniformly stressed in each diagonal clamping, and the inside of the real-time measuring two hold-down plate distance, two compression plate in parallel condition, basic guarantee the corners of the parallel degree of deviation less than 2%, each bolt pre-tightening according to the order of the figure marked.














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