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Advantages of free flow plate heat exchanger

Views: Date:2018-03-21

        (1Easy to remove and clean up: a simple unloading pressure bolt and slide the end of the movable frame, visual free flow plate heat exchanger can every inch of the wall. It is so easy to on-site clean up because of less residual liquid inside the plate heat exchanger

        2Heat transfer efficient: hot plate can suppress form to ensure that the fluid in low velocity can achieve high turbulence. Heat transfer coefficient is far higher than that of tube and shell heat exchanger.

        3Low cost, high coefficient of heat transfer means less material can achieve the required heat load, heat exchanger total cost is greatly reduced.

        4Elastic design: the use of Free - Free Flow plate heat exchanger, protect your investment value greatly. If the heat demand change, the free flow heat exchanger will not be abandoned. Loosen the clamp bolt, adjust the end frame; And then through the increase or decrease in plate can meet the demand of heat exchange.

        5Compact structure : a free flow plate heat exchanger can meet the working load of books a heat exchanger, need only a small part of the shell and tube heat exchanger of foundation.

        6Eliminate cross contamination: in the "Free - Flow" Free Flow plate heat exchanger, each kind of medium has a separate gasket. Gasket with air to eliminate the gap between the possibility of any fluid cross contamination. This feature is especially suitable for cross contamination must be put an end to the occasion.