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The introduction of application methods for plate heat exchanger

Views: Date:2018-03-15

The introduction of application methods for plate heat exchanger

Installation and use of the method of plate heat exchanger, plate heat exchanger is divided into two installation ways according to the presence of saddle support. First, with no saddle support plate heat exchanger, heat exchanger should be installed in the brick on the basis of the saddle, after installation of need not with the base fixed plate heat exchanger at the moment, the whole plate can change with the change of the expansion of freedom movement.

Second, for a plate with a saddle support, on the basis of concrete tile, after being completely dry land will saddle support bolt and ground concrete completely fixed up.

Installed in the process of plate heat exchanger, should be on both ends of before and after the heat exchanger to set aside enough space for maintenance and cleaning. Heat exchanger shall not run over the provisions of the nameplate, for medium temperature and pressure of the heat exchanger to examine and analyze, to prevent the occurrence of abnormal operation of the heat exchanger.