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The smallest heat exchanger all over the world

Views: Date:2018-01-16

This kind of heat exchanger channels equivalent diameter is in 10 to 1000 microns. the both ends of the flat tube of heat exchanger combined with circular header. there are partitions inside, dividing heat exchanger port into several process.

Microchannel (microchannel heat exchanger) project in Beijing date from high density electronic device cooling in the 1980s and the heat transfer problems of microelectronic mechanical system in the 1990s.

Tuckerman Pease and puts forward the concept of microchannel heat sink in 1981, Swife, Migliori and Wheatley firstly developed microchannel heat exchanger of heat exchange for two fluids in 1985. With the development of microfabrication technology, people have been able to manufacture hydraulic diameter of 10 to 1000 microns channel heat exchanger made of micro size. In 2001, Jiang puts forward the concept of micro heat pipe cooling system, it is actually a micro cooling system, the electronic power of pump, condenser, micro heat pipe replaced the condenser with micro condensing system, which can realize active cooling to support high-density high-speed operation of the electronic device. With the improvement of micro processing technology, it can be made out of the groove depth range of a few microns to a few hundred microns of the micro heat exchanger with high efficiency.








Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Technical alliance of refrigeration and air conditioning heat exchanger