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History of the origin of heat exchanger.

Views: Date:2018-01-11


Do you know when the earliest Chinese heat exchanger was born in?

The earliest Chinese heat exchanger is accompanied by distilling.  the relevant archaeological data show that Chinese neolithic age old ancestors who live in BC 7000 years have already fermented wine. But the wine is to use could ferment, at that time, with low alcohol content highest generally about 20% alc. in order to improve the alcohol, they create a distillation wine. Distillation is so simple at that time, cauldron base on the foundation consists of two layers, there is distiller's yeast on the top, and there is cold water on the bottom, the distiller's yeast is boiled with vigorous firewood, Alcohol gas is cooled by cold water to condensed liquid from pipes, this is distilled wine. The upper pot is probably the first to use heat exchanger, is the "granddaddy" of heat exchanger, However, with the modern point of view, this kind of heat exchanger efficiency is too low with a huge waste of energy. Modern distillation wine industry has had a great change with various forms of heat exchanger.

 Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Technical alliance of refrigeration and air conditioning heat exchanger