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Reason and treatment of common faults of plate heat exchanger--part 3

Views: Date:2018-01-08

Large pressure drop


1.     Piping operation system is not cleaned normally, especially, there is so much dirt (welding slag) in the piping system was newly installed, the dirt enter into piping operation system of heat exchanger, sediment and suspension in the heat exchanger gather around angle hole and guide area because of narrow section area of flow, to cause the department of port area greatly decreases and pressure loss in this area.

2.     The heat exchange area is too small of selecting type at the first time, to cause flow speed is too high

3.     Plate heat exchanger operation after a period of time caused excessive pressure drop because of the plate surface fouling.


1.     Removing dirt or plate of fouling in heat exchanger port, the new running system is cleaned once a week according to the actual situation.

2.     Secondary circulating water had better use after dealing with the softening of soft water, the average concentrations of suspended solids in water quality requirements is not greater than 5 mg/L, no more than 3 mm diameter of impurities and pH ≤7.

When the water temperature is not more than 95 , Ca, Mg concentration should be not more than 2 tendency/L;

When the water temperature higher than 95 , Ca, Mg concentration should be greater than zero. Tendency for 3 L, dissolved oxygen concentration should be greater than zero.1 mg/L.

3.     For the central heating system, can adopt the method of primary to secondary hydrating.


Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Technical alliance of refrigeration and air conditioning heat exchanger